
O carte misto despre extremismul de dreapta din Romania

O versiune extinsa a unui raport din cadrul unui proiect initiat de Open Society Institute din Budapesta, cartea lui Gabriel Andreescu "Right-wing Extremism in Romania" (Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturala, Cluj 2003) documenteaza continuitatea atitudinilor extremiste de dreapta din Romania incepand cu miscarea legionara din perioada interbelica, continuand cu politicile national-comuniste si cu ultranationalismul postcomunist. E mica, are cam o suta si ceva de pagini, dar e foarte la obiect, si acopera multe aspecte ale discursului de extrema dreapta din sfera politica romaneasca. Are chiar si un capitol dedicat exclusiv tendintelor extremiste din biserica ortodoxa romaneasca! Uhuuu.

Citez cateva fragmente care mie mi-au placut foarte mult:
despre rolul presei nationale scrise si al culturii de elita in promovarea discursului violent anti-minoritar, anti-multiculturalist, anti-modern si xenofob, p.22-23:
One of the dangers that aggravates and extends the extremist danger in Romania is the increasingly systematic manifestation of an anti-minority, anti-modern discourse in the national written press, and even of highbrow culture, with an increased capacity to penetrate in the circle of educated citizens, newspaper readers, of students and of the social elite. This discourse is not inciting, but its confusion and distortions, aggressive tone, apocalyptic style, reductionism and/or the accusatory note feed a cultural space that spawns right-wing extremist ideologies.
despre Patapievici, p. 25:
The person who made the anti-minority, homophobe and anti-multiculturalist attitude into a wide cultural success was Horia-R. Patapievici. Patapievici's theses oppose the 'traditional' and the 'modern' man to the more recent modernity, under the threat of political correctness, multiculturalism and pro-minority policies.
Despre tendintele extremiste ale bisericii ortodoxe romane, p.41:
The extremist tendencies within BOR follow the historical line of its support of legionnarism between the two world wars. On the one hand, legionnarism self-defined itself as a Christian-Orthodox movement, and the legionary ritual borrowed the cult for the death, the exercise of fasting and of praying. On the other hand, priests and Orthodox hierarchy were an important support for legionnarism [...].
Foarte tare.

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